We undertake trademark searches on behalf of our clients. Usually, the main reasons for doing searches are either to determine prior rights or infringement. When an application for a search is filed a search form is issued in which both the mark, the class or classes in which a search has to be conducted and the specimen of the mark is filed and on payment of a search fee, the form is endorsed and the registrar examines the application with a view to causing an official search to be conducted for similarity with existing registered trade marks or similarity with any pending application, or to ensure that the mark is not deceptive or scandalous or not in any way disallowed. A Search Report is prepared for each trademark. It normally takes about 30 days to process a search; however, upon payment of an additional fee at the Trademark Office, an urgent search can be undertaken. In this case, a search report can be obtained before the expiration of 10 days from the date the search request is made.
We operate an in-house Database which contains all trademarks processed by OAPI for the past 15 years. We are therefore able to conduct an unofficial trademark search and provide a free initial assessment and advise on the likelihood of a hinge free registration process. The initial assessment and advice are done by a licensed OAPI Attorney with several years of experience and expertise. Please contact us if you require this service.
Ngu & Co. Law Firm La Rochelle Bonaberi Business Centre BP 9336 Bonaberi, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +(237)242081172 Fax: +(237) 242081172